Category: Differential

Bearing Preload Adjustment NOTE: If any of the items listed below are replaced, the bearing preload must be adjusted. TRANSMISSION HOUSING CLUTCH HOUSING DIFFERENTIAL TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and OUTER RACE 75 mm THRUST SHIM 90 mm WASHER OIL GUIDE RING 1. Remove the bearing outer race and 75 mm thrust shim from the transmission housing […]

Bearing Preload Adjustment NOTE: If any of the items listed below are replaced, the bearing preload must be adjusted. TRANSMISSION HOUSING TORQUE CONVERTER HOUSING DIFFERENTIAL TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and OUTER RACE 75 mm THRUST SHIM 90 mm WASHER OIL GUIDE RING 1. Remove the bearing outer race and 75 mm thrust shim from the transmission […]

Reassembly NOTE: • If the limited slip differential clutch set was replaced, the 65 mm shim (differential housing cover side) and 112 mm shim (differential housing cover side) must be adjusted. • Reassemble the parts in the same order and direction they were before disassembly. • Lubricate the clutch disc surface with transmission oil. 1. […]

Differential Illustrated Index NOTE: If the parts marked with an asterisk ( * ) are replaced, the bearing preload must be adjusted (see page 15-12). If replacement is required, always replace the limited slip differential clutch set. *75 mm THRUST SHIM Selection, Adjustment, page 15-13 Adjustment, page *TAPERED ROLLER BEARING Replacement, page 15-5 Inspect for […]

Oil Seal Installation 1. Install the oil seal into the transmission housing using the special tools as shown. DRIVER 07749-0010000 BEARING DRIVER ATTACHMENT 07965-SA00600 OIL SEAL Replace. PILOT, 32 x 50 mm 07MAD-PR90200 2. Install the oil seal into the torque converter housing using the special tools as shown. DRIVER 07749-0010000 SEAL DRIVER ATTACHMENT 07947-SD90100 […]

Preset Torque Inspection On-Car: 1. Lift up right rear wheel, and place the safety stand. (Lift and Support Points, see section 1). 2. Block the other three wheels. 3. Measure preset torque clockwise using a torque wrench as shown. Standard: 60–140 N·m (6–14 kg-m, 43–101 Ib-ft) Service Limits: 30 N·m (3 kg-m, 22 Ib-ft) TORQUE […]

I Clutch Disc, Clutch Plate Replacement NOTE: The clutch discs and clutch plates should be replaced as a set. 1. Remove the clutch discs and clutch plates (see page15-20). 2. Soak the clutch discs for five minutes in transmis- sion oil. 3. Install the clutch discs, clutch plates, and a stan- dard shim. NOTE: Position […]

Bearing Replacement NOTE: • The bearing and outer race should be replaced as a set. • Inspect and adjust the bearing preload whenever the bearing is replaced. 1. Remove the tapered roller bearings using the bear- ing pullers. BEARING PULLER (Commercially available) TAPERED ROLLER BEARING BEARING PULLER (Commercially available) TAPERED ROLLER BEARING 2. Install the […]

Differential Reassembly 1. Install the clutch disc, clutch plate, central gear, and carrier assembly. NOTE: Lubricate the clutch disc surface with transmission fluid. CARRIER ASSEMBLY CENTRAL GEAR CLUTCH PLATE CLUTCH DISC DIFFERENTIAL HOUSING COVER 2. Install the final driven gear. NOTE: Align the mark on the differential housing cover with the mark on the final […]

Differential Disassembly 1. Hold the differential in a bench vise using a special tool, then remove the differential housing mounting bolts in a crisscross pattern in several steps. BENCH VISE DIFFERENTIAL INSPECTION TOOLS 07MAJ-PR90100 2. Remove the differential housing, stopper plate, washer, thrust needle bearing, and 65 mm shim. DIFFERENTIAL HOUSING WASHER 65 mm SHIM […]