Control Unit Input Test
All SRS electrical wiring harnesses are covered with
yellow outer insulation.
Before disconnecting the SRS wire harness, install
the short connector on the airbag (see page 23-323).
Replace the entire affected SRS harness assembly
if it has an open circuit or damaged wiring.
Remove the glove box, then disconnect the 14-P
connector from and the control unit. Make the fol-
lowing tests at connector terminals:
NOTE: Recheck the connections between the 14-P
connector and from the control unit, then replace the
control unit if all input tests prove OK.
View from
wire side
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No. Wire Test condition Test: desired result Possible cause (if result is not obtained)
↿ BLK Under all conditions. Check for continuity to ∙ Poor ground (G401, G402).
ground: There should be ∙ An open in the wire.
Ignition switch ON and Check for voltage to ground: ∙ Blown No. 5 (10A) fuse.
2 LT GRN main switch ON. There should be battery ∙ Faulty main switch.
voltage. ∙ An open in the LT GRN or YEL
LT GRN/ RESUME button pushed. Ground each terminal: ‘ Blown No. 45 (20A) fuse.
3 В|_к Horns should sound as the ∙ Faulty SET/RESUME switch.
switch is pushed. ∙ Faulty cable reel.
4 È’EFDGRN/ SET button pushed. ∙ An Open ¡n the WHT/GEN,
LT GRN/RED wire.
М/Т: Clutch pedal Check for continuity to ∙ Faulty or misadjusted clutch
pushed. ground: There should be switCh (MIT).
5 BLU/ORN А/Т: Shift lever in 2, 3 continuity, ∙ Faulty shift position console
or D. switch (A/T).
∎ Poor ground (G401, G402).
∙ An open in the wire.
Start the engine. Check for voltage to ground: ∙ Faulty ignition system or PGM-FI
6 GRN There should be battery ECU.
voltage. ∙ An open in the wire.
Ignition switch ON and Check for voltage between the ∙ Faulty speed sensor.
7 YEL/RED main switchVON. Raise LT GRN G») and YEL/RED ⊝ ∙ An open in the wire.
the rear of the car terminals: There should be
rotate one wheel slowly. 0—5—0—5 V repeatedly.
ignition switch ON, main Check for voltage to ground: ∙ Faulty brake light switch.
8 GRY switch ON and brake There should be O V with the ∎ An open in the GRY or LT GRN
pedal pushed, then pedal pushed and battery voi- wire.
released. tage with the pedal released.
Brake pedal pushed, Check for voltage to ground: ∙ Faulty brake light switch.
9 GRN/WHT then relelased. There should be battery vol- ∙ ∧∏ open in the wrre.
tage wnh the pedal pushed,
and 0 V with the pedal
ignition switch ON. Attach to ground: indicator ∙ Blown bulb.
light in the gauge assembly ∙ Blown No. 5 (10A) fuse.
10 BLU/BLK comes on. ∙ Faulty dimming circuit in the
gauge assembly.
∙ An open in the wire.
.H BRN Connect the battery Check the operation of the ac- ∙ Faulty actuator.
positive to the BRN tuator motor: There should be ∙ An open in the wire
terminal and negative to able to hear motor.
12 BLU the BLU terminal.
Connect the battery Check the operation of the ∙ Faulty actuator.
13 WHT positive to the BRN/ magnetic clutch: clutch should ∙ An open in the wire.
WHT terminal and nega- click and output link should be ∙ Poor ground (G302).
tive to ground. locked.