Rear Window Defogger
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Main Menu Table of Contents
Rear Window Defogger
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Item to be inspected
≡ _ .g
a ä ä ë š
E aa’o ⊏−∘ fin .2E ∼⋮ 9 2
.a wm “a: 3° H ↼ ь ..m
:w ⋅∙∸↙∎∶ …w n»— a: Ф ш в:
↩ ⋅∙−⊐ ⊐ ⊃ ∢∾ m o: .. ._
∙⊏ A*** 08 2“— 9- c» m ⋅− п’Е
.2° ∢∙⊏ ⋅⋅−− : oE o o ≧ w..
– VI Q1: mu) vo u— ∙← ь o.,
s— mm Ф _w “o o a) o ∙∘↩
∘ .-13 ;g „nu .— ç U т: u, „u
<5 wc. E.. w:. ↽≌∘ š g cn ⋅∙∶∾ ⋅≘ wg :ä’ .% ⋅⋅⋮⊽⋅∘ ∘ ∘ E Ë 3‘5 U o: ↼↩ ∘⊏ ∘⊏≻ 'c 'c Ф ⊐ _gw ⋅⊑≳⊐⋅≛≖⊴⋅⊆∑⊐⇄⊛∙∣⊒⋅⊆⋅⊆⋅∘ e „Ë ⊏ :uz ma) :w cd’s š š C Ch CO 32535352535535 33 _° 2: Ф: 2c 91:5> ш щ 9 o 0’13
Symptom ⊔⊐⊡∶∙⊏↿≂⊡∶⊡∶↞ n:an n.
Defo er works, but indicator Ii ht
gg g ↿ YEL/BLK or YEL/WHT
does not go on.
Defogger does not work and in- 1 2
dicator light does not go on. 3 G403 VEL/BU( 0′ YEL/WHT
Defogger does not work, but in» YEL/WHT, YEL/BLK or
dicator light goes on. 1 3 2 4 G801 BLK/GRN
Operation time is too long or too
short. Normal operation time is 25 WHT/BLU, WHT/RED
minutes (40 minutes for Canada or BLK
Rear Window Defogger
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Main Menu Table of Contents
Rear Window Defogger
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Item to be inspected
≡ _ .g
a ä ä ë š
E aa’o ⊏−∘ fin .2E ∼⋮ 9 2
.a wm “a: 3° H ↼ ь ..m
:w ⋅∙∸↙∎∶ …w n»— a: Ф ш в:
↩ ⋅∙−⊐ ⊐ ⊃ ∢∾ m o: .. ._
∙⊏ A*** 08 2“— 9- c» m ⋅− п’Е
.2° ∢∙⊏ ⋅⋅−− : oE o o ≧ w..
– VI Q1: mu) vo u— ∙← ь o.,
s— mm Ф _w “o o a) o ∙∘↩
∘ .-13 ;g „nu .— ç U т: u, „u
<5 wc. E.. w:. ↽≌∘ š g cn ⋅∙∶∾ ⋅≘ wg :ä’ .% ⋅⋅⋮⊽⋅∘ ∘ ∘ E Ë 3‘5 U o: ↼↩ ∘⊏ ∘⊏≻ 'c 'c Ф ⊐ _gw ⋅⊑≳⊐⋅≛≖⊴⋅⊆∑⊐⇄⊛∙∣⊒⋅⊆⋅⊆⋅∘ e „Ë ⊏ :uz ma) :w cd’s š š C Ch CO 32535352535535 33 _° 2: Ф: 2c 91:5> ш щ 9 o 0’13
Symptom ⊔⊐⊡∶∙⊏↿≂⊡∶⊡∶↞ n:an n.
Defo er works, but indicator Ii ht
gg g ↿ YEL/BLK or YEL/WHT
does not go on.
Defogger does not work and in- 1 2
dicator light does not go on. 3 G403 VEL/BU( 0′ YEL/WHT
Defogger does not work, but in» YEL/WHT, YEL/BLK or
dicator light goes on. 1 3 2 4 G801 BLK/GRN
Operation time is too long or too
short. Normal operation time is 25 WHT/BLU, WHT/RED
minutes (40 minutes for Canada or BLK