NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Main Menu Table of Contents
‚— Troubleshooting
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Item to be inspected
x Б
g E fi
‚ч — ь ⊐ f:
ä ö 2 б .с ≧ ↼
.D o ∙⊏ .— g ш и °
:,- ” ‚ё ë I *5 ź ≧ ‘ć g
— v g m .c u ‘° ⇀∘ “’ 2 o
ш g ë m 3 3 ⋅∙∸∙ š ↼ Aut ⋅− ; g ¿a
„$82 ⊰≌⋅≣⋛≘≣−∘≣∙⊏⋮∸ we
A ⊐ ∙⋅ ⊏ Ф ↼ ↼ “Ü ↼ “D ~— Ë ⋅−
<*3 ⊻∸∘⋍≻≣≣−∽≣⋉∽∙⋍≣ ⋅≣≣ 88° ∸↳⋍≖⊇≗↘⊺⊐↿⊃⊞↿⊐∘⇉≣⊐ св - ° Б o ↼ ⊏ w zn C7 И с” _ Ê " 1: ms. −≣∘−⊨⋡↼⊂−⊨≣∘ m M „LU ↼↸⊐⋅−∾∾≌∾∽∙↼⇀↼ ⊐↩ u) Ф О ⋅↡∸∣ ≻ ن u ⋅⊤⊃≳⋅≻∾∘↤⊏⋅≧⋅≧≌⋅⋮≌≣ g :w 2° ≣ Ë g î Е 2’ о о o. о u. U n. ‘-’ Ё ⊏ ш ⊏ Ë −↼ œ 5 3 š E 8 E g 5 a ⋅≞ ∘ с l. U ⋅⋮ ⊂ O п E c o E o ⋅∶ Symptom Power door lock system doesn’t G401 operate at all. ↿ 2 G402 ORN Doors don't lock or Both G401 2 unlock with the doors 1 2 G402 WHT/YEL or GRN/WH]- driver's door lock one switch, door 1 2 3 WHTIRED, or YEL/RED Doors don't lock or Both unlock with the pas- doors ↿ 2 ELK/RED or BLK’WHT senger's door lock one switch. door 1 2 3 WHT/RED or YEL/RED Doors don’t lock or Both G401 l unlock with the door ↿ 2 G402 BLU/WHT or BLU/RED driver's door lock one knob. door 1 2 3 WHT/RED or YEL/RED The door is not supposed to be locked, but it is locked. (Rev G401 mains looked after the ignition 1 2 3 G402 BLU/GRN or GRN/BLU key has been inserted and the door opened.). 23-251
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Main Menu Table of Contents
‚— Troubleshooting
NOTE: The numbers in the table show the troubleshooting sequence.
Item to be inspected
x Б
g E fi
‚ч — ь ⊐ f:
ä ö 2 б .с ≧ ↼
.D o ∙⊏ .— g ш и °
:,- ” ‚ё ë I *5 ź ≧ ‘ć g
— v g m .c u ‘° ⇀∘ “’ 2 o
ш g ë m 3 3 ⋅∙∸∙ š ↼ Aut ⋅− ; g ¿a
„$82 ⊰≌⋅≣⋛≘≣−∘≣∙⊏⋮∸ we
A ⊐ ∙⋅ ⊏ Ф ↼ ↼ “Ü ↼ “D ~— Ë ⋅−
<*3 ⊻∸∘⋍≻≣≣−∽≣⋉∽∙⋍≣ ⋅≣≣ 88° ∸↳⋍≖⊇≗↘⊺⊐↿⊃⊞↿⊐∘⇉≣⊐ св - ° Б o ↼ ⊏ w zn C7 И с” _ Ê " 1: ms. −≣∘−⊨⋡↼⊂−⊨≣∘ m M „LU ↼↸⊐⋅−∾∾≌∾∽∙↼⇀↼ ⊐↩ u) Ф О ⋅↡∸∣ ≻ ن u ⋅⊤⊃≳⋅≻∾∘↤⊏⋅≧⋅≧≌⋅⋮≌≣ g :w 2° ≣ Ë g î Е 2’ о о o. о u. U n. ‘-’ Ё ⊏ ш ⊏ Ë −↼ œ 5 3 š E 8 E g 5 a ⋅≞ ∘ с l. U ⋅⋮ ⊂ O п E c o E o ⋅∶ Symptom Power door lock system doesn’t G401 operate at all. ↿ 2 G402 ORN Doors don't lock or Both G401 2 unlock with the doors 1 2 G402 WHT/YEL or GRN/WH]- driver's door lock one switch, door 1 2 3 WHTIRED, or YEL/RED Doors don't lock or Both unlock with the pas- doors ↿ 2 ELK/RED or BLK’WHT senger's door lock one switch. door 1 2 3 WHT/RED or YEL/RED Doors don’t lock or Both G401 l unlock with the door ↿ 2 G402 BLU/WHT or BLU/RED driver's door lock one knob. door 1 2 3 WHT/RED or YEL/RED The door is not supposed to be locked, but it is locked. (Rev G401 mains looked after the ignition 1 2 3 G402 BLU/GRN or GRN/BLU key has been inserted and the door opened.). 23-251